Thursday, September 27, 2012

Floating Head

Drew needed a haircut pretty badly.  I strapped him into his portable highchair since the back is lower.  When I put the cover on him we all had a good laugh at his expenses since he looked like nothing but a head.  Genna started quoting Wizard of Oz.  "How dare you question the great and powerful Wizard of Oz!"

This is how we entertained the floating head and kept him still so I could shave his hair...Cheerios.

Drew is walking a lot more now.  If I set him down he will always stand and walk first before falling or sitting down to crawl.  Sometimes he will walk the whole way to where he is going.  He walks more when we are home with just family which I remember he did that for a while when he started crawling as well.  He has been saying "No no" and "Oh no" a lot lately which is understandable since he hears it so much all day long.  There's not much else to say to a kid who doesn't play with toys and is always finding danger.  Th only toys he will play with for more than a few seconds are balls and swords.  He is loving the sword fights.  He is also down to 2 nursings a day and takes two 1 1/2 to 2 hour naps fairly regularly.  He goes to bed at 7:30pm sharp and is up between 5:30 and 6am without fail.  He still doesn't like books much, but his favorites are the scanimation (moving) book and a puppet book we have.  Drew is still not a cuddler (although Daddy gets more than his fair share of cuddling from him somehow) and daily pushes his siblings little hands away if they get too touchy. 

I got them matching pjs.  I just couldn't resist.  Isaac needed more and Drew certainly did not, but they were on sale and so cute.  Pirates are a big deal around here these days.

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