Monday, April 13, 2020

Week 1 Quarantine: The Coronavirus Strikes

and I suddenly have time to catch up on my blog.  My house is the cleanest and most organized that it's been in a long while.  I've been homeschooling and tackling big projects.  EVERYTHING  is cancelled.  We are literally down to the private in home piano lessons and online guitar lessons at this point.  No church.  No school for the big kids.  No field trips, dances, or sports.  No dentist and doctor appointments.  Nada.  All cancelled.  This is the weirdest thing ever.

I went to pick up my prescription refill and was stopped by a very commanding voiced lady who screened me with questions like, "Have you been out of the country in the past two weeks?"  "Do you have a fever and a cough?"  etc.  After I answered all the questions to her liking I was allowed to approach and get my prescription.

Hannah and I went to the grocery store after the initial mayhem died down and the shelves were just so bare.  I felt like I should just swipe my arm across the shelves and take the rest.  I felt sorry for the last few remaining jars of crunchy peanut butter, and, oh, the lima beans and split peas!  All the other beans were taken.  How sad for those lima beans and split peas!  And just forget about toilet paper at this point.  I am sure this should be remembered as the Great Toilet Paper Apocalypse.

First on my to do list was to get our homeschool closet and overflow of books back under control.  This has been bothering me for a long time.  I also had a growing pile of books that just would not fit on our wall to wall bookshelves.  I was brainstorming one night as I was falling asleep and it suddenly occurred to me that I have a few bookshelves and dressers being used "outside of the box" for other purposes.  I moved a dresser that I had been using for crafts in my room to the boys' room, therefore freeing up a bookshelf to take down to the school room.  Then I had a bookshelf used for my sewing stuff that I moved down.  For now I condensed my sewing and craft supplies into bins until Brian can build or find me a sewing table/storage.  I'm imagining one of the old TV entertainment centers re-purposed with a drop down table for my machine, but we'll see.  For now, at least my school room looks better.

When I finished putting my sewing stuff up, I saw a project waiting to be completed that I figured I should just do now.  So I grabbed the fabric letters that Isaac had cut out for me and the fabrics I had sitting out, and in less than an hour I had Luna's new pillow ready for lounging.

The next day, I thought the game room needed a little make over and some better vacuuming since my vacuumers are sometimes less than thorough with the corners.  I was only able to get rid of a few more toys since I have really pared down already so much, and the kids really haven't added too much to the collection since then.

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