Wednesday, September 1, 2021

A Busy Weekend

The first weekend after the big kids school started was very full.  Friday night Brian's mom and brother arrived for the weekend.  Brian and I went out on a date while James took Genna to and from volleyball practice that evening for us.  Our Saturday started with Genna having volleyball practice again; then Judah had a his last baseball game.  Hannah had her driver's test and immediately after that she and I went to volunteer at the local Down Syndrome association for kid's craft time.  

We went to a comedy show that was unfortunately more politics than laughs, but oh well.  With all that's going on in the world, can't a girl just go to a comedy show and laugh without having the heaviness of it all even when trying to escape for an hour? 

She passed!!!  We got her the actual license just a couple of days later at the DPS.

Playing Barbies after the craft and music time

Boys just being silly!

He got a sportsmanship and a participation medal.  He was super happy that Nanna and Uncle James were able to go see his last game.

Monday Genevieve had her first volleyball game.  I am not fully convinced that volleyball is a sport though.  There was a lot of hugging.  How can that be a sport?  


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