Saturday, January 21, 2017

Nativity Pageant

Genevieve and Isaac wanted to be in the RE (Religious Education at our church) Nativity pageant.  They are always the ones who jump on the opportunity to be on stage.  It always surprises me about Isaac because he is not as outgoing as Genevieve.  He chose to be in the choir, so he was a choir angel.  We missed the first practice, and on our drive to the next practice Genevieve was saying how much she wanted to be Mary.  I told her not to count on that since we missed the first practice, but, lo and behold, she came out bubbling with excitement that she was going to be Mary.  I was so happy for her and very proud as well.  

They tried to use a real four month old baby for the play.  Genna was selling herself to the director of RE and the mom of the four month old, saying that she has a lot of experience with babies because she has four younger brothers.  Turned out he was just too fussy the day of the play and the mom backed out, so they used a doll instead.

Everything went well, and it was a lot of fun watching my children in the pageant.

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