Saturday, June 29, 2019

Genevieve's 13th Birthday Party

These picture are all out of order.  My sister so graciously hosted Genna's party.  She invited her one home-schooled friend here and her "lunch bunch" as I so nerdily refer to them.  Nearly every one of the girls she sits with at lunch since day 2 of school when I suggested she try sitting next to that sweet girl named, "Gabby" who we had met before school started at a Great Hearts party.  My instincts on this one were right on.  Genna has picked such kind-hearted friends.

The brothers and cousins didn't get to join the swim party until after the two hour party "ended."  They were chomping at the bit inside during the party.

I made her just a pretty cake with no theme or anything.  I chose yellow because it is spring-like and cheery, just like my girl!

It was a pleasure to watch Genevieve and her friends move as a herd and giggle constantly.  I loved it!  She had great time too!

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