Monday, February 12, 2018

Meine Freunde Buch: A Funny Story

Every once in a while, one of the boys will have a book in their box at Kindergarten to take home, fill out, and bring back.  They are the typical friend books where you fill out information about yourself and your favorite things.  There is always a place for the child to draw a picture for the owner of the book, one of the other Kindergarten students.  I helped the boys fill out all the writing parts.  I read the questions in German and they answered me in German.  I wrote it down.  I knew how to spell all but one word that Drew told me.  I had to look that one up because I didn't even believe him that it was the right word.  I'd never heard it.  Witzig means "funny," but it was not the word I knew for funny.  I am super excited about how well they are both doing with German.

Anyway, back to my story, I left Judah to do his drawing and when I came back, he had drawn something.  I said, "Wow!  That looks like a flower."  He said that it wasn't a flower, but a person with a flower headband on.  Then he told me, "It's the meany meaniest mean Mia. She's so mean and she never let's me play."  I have been laughing to myself about this for a week, because Mia is the one to whom the book belongs.  Luckily, she'll probably think he drew her a flower and not a picture of the meaniest meany.  I probably shouldn't think this is funny, but I can't help it.

On a different note, Drew really wants one of these books now so that he can remember his time here in German Kindergarten.

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