Monday, June 25, 2018


I have always wanted to do this, but didn't know if my littlest ones could do it until now.  Just in the knick of time we planned a field trip to a barefoot path.  

I had way more fun than an adult should be aloud to have on her children's field trip.  Bob and I were way behind, but we just enjoyed the forest and I enjoyed the feel of the different textures on my bare feet.  Bob, on the other hand, refused to take off his shoes.  This was not a surprise since he is funny about it even at home.  He likes to have socks on all the time so stuff doesn't get stuck on the bottom of his feet.  Going barefoot is not for him, so far.  

This was the mini barefoot path at the beginning with all the textures right in a row.

There were lots of miniature bridges and things to mix it up a bit and give your feet a break on a smooth wood plank.  There were textures such as sand, wood chips, pebbles, mud, logs, smoother wood.  At one point it almost seemed like the path ended, but I had read on the website that if you took "care" you could walk through the rougher part and finish the loop with more textures and bridges.  This rough part, was fine for the bigger kids, but the littles were not careful and got the spikes from chestnut coverings in their feet.  Those chestnuts are spiky!


Judah is very into bugs!!!

Before we left, we let the kids play on the coolest playgrounds.  One was an exercise park with real exercise equipment with pictures of how to use each machine.  There was one station with logs attached in one spot that you could left up and down for strengthening. 

The other playground had trampolines built into the ground, tons of sand, and slides built into the natural landscape, big wooden ships to play on, and water pumps.  It was an afternoon of fun for all ages!

Then we had the pleasure of taking some friends to choir practice afterwards.  The girls took over the last row in the van and had a blast.

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