Thursday, February 6, 2020

Christmas Day 2019

We had a series of gift opening events because of all the coming and goings, sicknesses, and hospital stays.  So these pictures are from several different days and times.  I didn't think to take a picture of our hospital gift opening with Brian's mom, but I should have.  I have a picture of the Christmas my grandfather was in the hospital and all the cousins gathered around him, and it's a special memory for me that may otherwise have been forgotten if not for the photograph reminder.

Bob and Turner are starting to play together more often as Turner gets older.  The 8 month gap between them is less noticeable.

Gold Chocolate Coin Eyes
Nanna had surgery the day after Christmas and was held one more night.  We drove home the evening after Christmas, and Brian brought her home the next day when she was released.  She has been with us ever since receiving in home care and orthopedic care here in our city/house.  We changed the only bedroom on the first floor from our acting school room to a guest room temporarily.  There have been a few bumps in the road with another trip to the ER in the last six weeks, the most recent bump being that she has to have another minor surgery because her body is spitting out the internal stitches and causing problems.  With the additional appointments and duties, our homeschooling has been somewhat disorganized, but the kids are learning in real time what corporal acts of mercy look like.  Isaac is always quick to help her out with her scooter or getting through doorways.  The kids have worked on a big puzzle with her, watched movies with her,  and told her countless jokes from their joke books.  Judah and Drew regularly make her coffee or bring her a meal.  Drew has stayed behind a few times to be her helper if we were going to be gone too long.  It's a different kind of education, but one that is more valuable in the long run.

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