Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Boss Baby

Somehow this post was written after getting back from the states, but I forgot to post it.

I have a theory.

I watched Boss Baby on the plane ride with Bobby, and I now have a theory that he is the "Boss Baby."  He is super cute and seriously running this house.  We would all do just about anything he asks because he is so stinkin' adorable.  Here are my supporting facts for my theory.

Supporting Fact #1
Bobby started saying, "Turn your face,"  when he wanted you to listen to him.  It was sometimes accompanied with actually turning your face with his cute tiny hands.  How can one resist such a request?

Supporting Fact #2
"I'm busy doin' som-in'" is another common phrase from him.  It sounds so grown up to be coming out of his cute mouth.  That one simple phrase has us "Ooohing and Aaahing" over him and we forget whatever it was we asked him to do.

Supporting Fact #3
Hannah wanted to carry him somewhere and get him out of his car seat and he wouldn't let her.  He insisted that "Mommy get me."  She said teasingly, "Shame on you!" with a wag of her finger and he replied without missing a beat, "No!  Shame on YOU!"  Laughter filled the van and he now loves to say, "Shame on you!" to wrap us all tighter and tighter around his little finger.  No wonder Judah has been throwing such fits!  His dethronement has been rather rough with such tough competition.  The big kids always favor the baby, but this may be a bit excessive.  It doesn't help that Judah's new plan to get negative attention has left him looking rather un-cute.

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