Saturday, December 28, 2019

All Hallow's Eve

This year we stayed home.  Brian took the kids out in the neighborhood, and I stayed to hand out candy.  I was not sure how Luna would do with so many knocks on the door and she was still a flight risk at that point.  She loves us more now and doesn't make a break for it every time the door opens.  Anyway, I put her in her crate and sat outside in the cold (Yes!  It was pretty chilly in Texas this year on this particular day.) on our bench and handed out candy for two hours.

This year we had Harry Potter (Isaac) and Luke Skywalker (Drew), like last year (no talking them out of doing the same thing) and then Black Panther (Judah) and Flash (Bob).  The girls didn't really dress up as anything, but they still went out and got candy.

Then came my favorite part of the evening ritual, the annual candy swap.  It's always so peaceful and joyful.  No one ever fights or argues.  It is an evening full of everything I want my children to be giving, sharing, and sacrificing.  It is not uncommon to hear someone giving someone else their favorite candy.

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