Thursday, May 6, 2021

Snowmageddon in Texas

Brian's birthday was right after mine.  He wanted a day out with me, so that's what we did.  Life proceeded on as normal...

Saturday chores...

Watching a movie with Luna on a winter afternoon...

And then the storm came and Texas got more than 6 inches of snow and it stuck on the ground for a week!  The Smith family is thinking, "Whoo hoo!  No school!  Stay home and play in the snow (except Hannah, she just looked at it from the porch)!"  

Our snowsuits and boots were too buried in the attic to bother with, so we just layered what we had access to.

Our back porch

Isaac is taller than Genevieve now and had to wear one of his dad's coats.  Genevieve was wearing one of mine.  Stop getting older and bigger, kids!!!

 But the rest of the city is like, "I got to hurry to the store and buy everything on the shelves in case I am trapped in the house for weeks even though I did just drive to the store in the snow and this is Texas where it never stays cold for long."  While we were staying home, enjoying the snow, and conserving water as our wter slowly shut off, other people were apparently out shopping...

Yes, this is our actual grocery store after the week was over and I decided to go try to get milk and bread.  Not happening.  It was the Corona freak out all over again, but for a way dumber reason.

Many people lost power and water for many days, we were fortunate and only lost water for a couple of days.  I just kept wondering what all these people without electricity were doing with all that refrigerated food.  I guess they were storing it in the snow.

Anyway, we went without milk and bread for a short time, the stores restocked, and it was fine.

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