Thursday, April 21, 2022

The Little Rocker Recliner Miracle


Judah and Roman

These little silicone feeders are new since my last baby.  They have tiny holes to let small amounts of food through.  You can put pretty much anything in them too.

Back at Christmastime, I was in search of a great rocker recliner that would last me longer than Roman's baby years.  I went to several places with Brian sitting in every one we could find.  I only loved this one brown recliner that was just soft and squishy enough and let me recline easily all the way back.  However, they told me this was just a custom order chair and this was the floor model that I fell in love with.  I asked if they'd sell me the floor model and they said no.  The custom order would take 8-12 weeks, long after his surgery was scheduled for.  I didn't want to wait more than a few weeks so that I'd have it available after we came home from the hospital.  I decided that I was going to pray to St. Jude, patron saint of lost causes, and ask for his intersession to allow me to buy this chair before his surgery.  I prayed over Christmas break and after we returned from Dallas, I decided to stop by there again and see if they got another one or if they'd reconsider selling me the floor model.   I asked again about the floor model and they said sure, we'll wrap it up for you to pick up this afternoon.  I have loved the chair.  It was for a while the only place that Roman would take a bottle.  We have spent hours in that chair either eating, trying to eat, or reading stories before bed times.  Thanks to St. Jude and Jesus!

It's a bad picture of the chair because of the lighting, but you'll just have to trust me that it is so wonderful!

I think I have mentioned before that Roman loves his hedgehog that vibrates and plays music.  He got it right before going in to the hospital for surgery, and it served him well there when we often weren't able to rock him to sleep.  He now has it right next to him when he sleeps and always in the carseat.  It's a lifesaver!

In the big boy stroller with Hedgehog


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