Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Week 3 Quarantine: The Rainy Days

It's been raining for awhile and our walks been thwarted many days.  The children have taken to screening people as they go up and down the stairs in our house, "Have you had any flu-like symptoms?  Have you been out of the country in the past two weeks?" as a game.  Quarantined Kids' Games...

Making Tents in the Living Room

The decrease in walks have brought about a bit more fighting amongst the younger ones.  We had to bring back our "Tummy Time" again.

In case, you missed this technique of mine for resolving fights between littles, I make them touch tummies until they are laughing and have forgiven each other.  I started this when the girls were little.  It had been a while since I needed it.

Grocery stores are actually getting better.  They're not stocked with toilet paper and dried beans, but they also don't have lines waiting outside just to get in.

The schools continued to send home packets, but since they are going to be closed at least until May 4th, they are now moving towards using Goggle Classroom, despite trying desperately to avoid screens, being a Classical, technology-free school.  They can not sustain the printing costs of the packets.  Next week will be the last week of printed packets.

Some of the children, mainly Hannah, are sick of games.  I found a new Christian book series for her that are re-tellings of fairy tales that the library had on ebooks.  Melanie Dickerson writes them.  She read five of them this week and as I write this a week later, she has read fifteen of her books.  She's a little hooked.

I have been remiss to mention that our churches have been closed.  Our priest has been sending out ways to fulfill our Sunday obligation from home since we are prohibited from attending Mass.  Another benefit of having no outside activities, we have been able to do our nightly read alouds every night again like we used to when we were a fully homeschooled family.  And we are able to pray together more often than just bedtime prayers.  We say the Divine Mercy Chaplet together often at 3pm, and our decade has turned into a full rosary again.  Our dinners and, therefore, our bedtimes have been later and more relaxed.  SO nice not to worry about the clock all the time!

We started the carrots in soda bottles and the Marigolds a while back in my Botany class, but we added a bunch of vegetable seeds when I was able to talk Brian into making me a couple of wooden planters to put them in.  I bought a pack of vegetable seeds that grow well together in a two foot planter.  So we are going to try it this summer since it wouldn't hurt to have some fresh veggies growing in our own backyard the way things are going.

I have been working on a few different projects in the evenings.  I am making myself a light spring crocheted sweater, but unfortunately Hobby Lobby closed down before I finished it and I am stuck without any yarn to finish it up because online they are "Out of stock" of the color I need.  I am so close to finishing.  I then started making five sets of nativity scenes like I made for my nephew out of wooden peg people for gifts next year at Christmas time.  I also ran out of peg men though and was temporarily paused on this project as well, but Amazon came through and I now have new ones to complete the sets.  Then I was suddenly inspired by a tapestry to draw this.

I am also working on a saint doll for a new baby boy, but again ran out of thread in one spot.  Grrr.

I've had a few "get togethers" via various video conferencing methods this week.  I had a harder week, but it was just because I can't be alone here easily.  I took a walk by myself one day and made a few extraneous trips to drop things off on my siblings' doorsteps and to Sonic just to get out alone.  The rain induced bickering was the main cause I think.

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