Saturday, December 5, 2009

The longest day with a happy ending!

Yesterday, we woke up (Isaac and I at 5am) and skipped German Kindergarten. The kids dressed and ate their breakfast. Isaac took his morning nap (we probably need to drop that soon) and I showered and got myself ready while the kids made Christmas cards for people. Then we went to the hospital to get medicine and tests for Hannah. We grabbed lunch while we were there. We came home and went straight to mandatory nap time for all. Well, not for me, unfortunately. (I wish!) I changed my clothes and the sheets on my bed. When they all woke up we started getting ready to head to dinner (after I changed the sheets on Genna's bed since she had an accident during her nap). Hannah didn't want to wear her tennis shoes and started crying that her toe was broken. Genna went potty and the minute she hopped off the potty Isaac threw one of his shoes in the pee pee. When we finally got in the car, I looked at the clock and realized we were going to be 45 minutes late because of the shoe fiascoes. We had a relatively peaceful dinner as long as I kept Isaac's sphere of influence clear. Then we ran into the store to get a few last minute items. At this point it is already 8:30pm when we are leaving. I ran one quick errand and headed to the gym where we would wait and wait and wait for my husband to arrive. The plane had been delayed and it was going to be at least 11pm before he got there. The kids ran around and played, ate snacks, and drank hot chocolate for several hours. Isaac and Genna had a few run-ins with bullies that I had to regulate on. Hannah had a few run-ins with the floor that I had to kiss and make better. My leg, at this point was killing me. It is really bruised up and I still have stitches. Standing too much makes it sore.

Then he arrives, as Isaac is crashing on me. He didn't really get to see daddy until the next morning. The girls were overjoyed to see him and hug him. I thought they would never let go! They were actually speechless for once. Being exhausted had something to do with that, I'm sure. I did eventually get to hug him myself. A sweet lady offered to hold the sleeping Isaac so I could have a turn.

We didn't get home until very late so we are pooped today. Brian did manage to take the girls to get the Christmas tree this evening, while Isaac and I rearranged furniture to make a good spot for the tree. I even figured out a way to place the tree in such a way as to be able to block it off from my little monster some of the time, when absolutely necessary either for his safety or my sanity. More on that is the eve of St. Nicholas' feast day, you know.


Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

What a day... with such a great end!! I wanted to say the name of your blog is SO cute... love it! :)

Almudena said...

YAY!!!! Welcome home Brian!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOO HOOOO!!!! I am so happy for you guys!!!

Thank you (Brian, Kelle and each one of the kids) again for sacrificing so much to keep me and my family safe. We sincerely appreciate it!!

YAY!!!!!!!!! Glad you are home!!!

Kristen said...

Yay! So glad he is safely home. I am sure you guys are ecstatic!!!

Mary said...

Yea! Yea! Yea! Soooo glad that he's home safe & sound! =)

Rich said...

This is the post we've been praying for......He's home.