Friday, December 18, 2009

Totally unfair

My blog, of late, has been a bit lopsided, a little heavy on the Isaac photos, and a little light on the girls. This is mostly because I am with him more during the week since they have school and such. But also everything babies do is just plain cute. Well, except for the waking up at insane hours in the morning. That isn't cute, not at all. But everything else is adorable. For example...

I mean who doesn't think it's cute when a little toddler bites his shirt instead of smiling for the camera?

Then, of course, there is...

Couldn't you just eat those cheeks! Sleeping babies are always lovable, even when they aren't supposed to be sleeping in the car. But how can you blame them when they wake up at 4:47am!

And there are baby kisses...

I love them, and I probably am the luckiest person ever to have lived because I get a million of these a day. Any time I ask for them! I have the best job, don't you think?

But, as I said before this is totally lopsided. I love and adore my girls just as much! In fact, I can barely stand it. Their beauty astonishes me, their personalities hypnotize me, and I often wonder how Brian and I could be so very blessed. So..

When I asked Genna why she wasn't smiling in these pictures, she replied, in her nonchalant way, "This is my new smile, Mom."

Hannah and Isaac were having a blast in the hamper. She is so good with him!

Below is Daddy playing Connect Four with Genna, and beating her over and over and over again. He does not believe in teaching the techniques of a game by letting them win. Poor thing took it like a champ. She even told him after one of the games that she let him win. She went on to tell him that she wants him to win all the games. Is that because she doesn't want to look bad or because, as she said, "I just loved him." I don't think it is the first one. She's usually not that complex.

Brian is actually out with the girls right now on a date. He took them to see our friends' kids in The Sound of Music. It was too late for Isaac and since I couldn't find a sitter, I opted to stay home with him and try to finish laundry and packing for our trip. So far, I haven't done either. Oops!

The girls have been bringing home lots of pictures from school. Hannah was so excited to show me one that she said she had written on. I was confused when I looked at it in and saw several consonants strung together at the beginning. She told me to sound it out and sure enough it did sort of sound like what she was trying to write. It read "Btnd Pinses." She meant "Pretend Princess." When I explained to her how you pronounce "Pretend," she said "well, I like to say it with a B sound instead." :) I was proud of her for trying such hard spelling words all by herself though!

A German mom of another little girl at the Kindergarten told Brian and I that Hannah's German is much better than we think. She apparently speaks it only when we are not around. Sneaky girl. Since then we have made a big deal out of praising her for that and she is getting a little more comfortable speaking it occasionally in front of us. She never tires of telling me I am saying or pronouncing something wrong in German. My pronunciation is pretty pitiful, I admit!

Genna is so loving and sweet! She truly loves her little brother and is her sister's shadow and best friend. What an angel!

As I am sure I have a lot of catching up to do with the girls on the blog, it should be easier since today was their last day of school until the new year. I will, however, be a bit spotty on my blogging this coming week since we are traveling a bit and celebrating Christmas as a family this year. I'll be in and out. I still owe a post on the Jesse Tree and on the Christmas gifts I made for the girls when I find the time.

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