Friday, January 9, 2015

Our Snowy Day

We had around 5 inches of snow, I think.  We got our school work done and went out right before lunch for a little over an hour.  The snow's still on the ground, but it is now way too cold to go out, plus we've been sick.  It was 4 degrees when we woke up yesterday. This was Judah's first time to go out in the snow and play ever.  I usually send Brian and stay in with him, but with his love for outdoors I figured it was time to take the plunge and go out with him.   I did not feel up to going in the snow myself since my nausea has not gone away yet.  The sacrifices we make for our cuties!

Judah did a lot of standing and tasting snow until we got the sleds out and his sisters pulled him around.

This was Isaac before his dad got home in the afternoon and took them to a sledding hill where he colored the snow with some puke.  And the stomach bug hit.  :)

So then it was time to come inside because poor Judah's hands were getting too red and cold.  And the real fun started...the "I don't want to come back in this house ever!" fit began...

He rolled over when he saw I was taking pictures of him.  :)

...and carried on for at least fifteen minutes once I wrestled his snowsuit off him and plopped him in the middle of the kitchen floor while I got his chicken noodle soup ready for lunch.  Pitiful!!!!

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