Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Halloween 2018

Our First Ever Halloween with cousins was a fun one.  I made spaghetti, and my brother and sister brought their sons over for trick or treating.  I ended up staying behind to hand out candy, and Brian walked the neighborhood with the group.  Brian enjoys the trick or treating more than me.  Plus, who could pass up an hour or a quiet house, at least in between the doorbell ringing.

Catboy borrowed this costume from his cousin.

Judah used his Ninja Turtle Jammies that he got last Christmas.

Luke Skywalker reused last year's costume.

Harry Potter also made his costume from what we already had in the house.  Hannah is credited for the scar.

Princess Leia pulled her own costume together from things we already had.  Mom is credited for the hair do.

A Ninja AKA a teenager who really wanted candy, but didn't want to wear a costume

My nephew, An Aggie Football Player

My other nephew, the Greatest Showman

The kids all promptly emptied their buckets to do the "Great Candy Exchange of 2018."  Bobby was pretty adorable putting his candy in two careful piles of what he likes and what he doesn't like.  Then at the end when Brian and I called bedtime, he dumped his hard work all back into the same bucket.

By the way, this girl got braces the day before Halloween and poor thing could barely eat any candy or much of anything.

Wearing the "Harry Potter" glasses that dad made by popping out the lenses in an old pair of his glasses.

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