Saturday, October 15, 2022

My girls!

I mentioned that this is Hannah's senior year.  She got to paint her parking spot, and she did a fabulous job!  I helped her come up with the idea.  I was hoping she'd do something with some meaning.  When discussing this with her sister, we decided she is very much like the Queen of Hearts in Alice and Wonderland sometimes.  She hand drew this with chalk and then painted it for like five hours straight.  In fact, she squatted the whole time and couldn't feel her feet for more than a week.  She literally collapsed several times because she couldn't feel her feet.  So she learned a valuable lesson, and hopefully will take breaks next time.

This is a screenshot.  I still need to get a picture of her with her spot.

Hannah has also been running a little side business where she sells dog portraits that she draws.  One of my mom's friends ended up having her draw every dog she's ever had and hung them all up.  Here is the screenshot of her dog wall.  I am super proud of her!

Genevieve dressed up like one of her favorite teachers for "Dress like a Teacher Day" during Homecoming Spirit Week.  I snapped a picture right before she walked out the door in the morning.  I was seriously amazed at how much she nailed it though when I saw the school's Instagram post.  She straightened her hair and wore a different pair of glasses (not prescription) to complete the look.  The only thing she was missing was the Doc Martins.

Her teacher is in the middle of all the students that dressed up like her with the lanyard around her neck.  She complimented Genna on her outfit being so similar to her own.


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