Monday, April 28, 2008

Finally some pictures again!

Brian had the camera all last week when he was traveling so I haven't posted pictures in a while. Yesterday afternoon the kids played in a big mound of dirt at a Rugby game of a friend of ours, and then we went to dinner and they played on the play ground while we waited on our food. All this is to say we got home late, HAD to give them a bath, and then they were suddenly starving. So, daddy brought up a PB&J for them to split to fill their tummies before bed. So this explains the rather unsanitary conditions of this photo of Genna eating her sandwich on the lid of the toilet. (I did just clean the bathroom if that helps any of you germophobes out there sleep better tonight.)
Here is Hannah all dressed up being her usually boisterous self!

By the way, I am adding a new belly picture to my slide show at the bottom of this blog. I think I let quite a bit of time slip by between the last photo and this one. Better late than never! I feel very very very big to have so long to go!

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