Sunday, March 10, 2013

Long Overdue Blanket Time

Last week I finally got my act together and started Drew on "Blanket Time."  I guess because he is number four, I feel like he gets way more leeway than the rest did at this age.  So I anticipated him being difficult with this, but he wasn't.  We started with 5 minutes and he only got off twice.  When he did, I told him, "No, get back on the blanket" and he immediately turned around and obeyed me.  So I upped it to 10 minutes the next time since 5 minutes seemed to be too easy for him and he was almost disappointed when I put the toys and blanket away in the bucket for the next time.  He didn't get off one time during the 10 minutes.

The keys to the success of this, in my opinion are a timer so they know when they can get off and special toys that they don't play with everyday.  Keep the toys up and away so they are "new" to the child.  The benefits are discipline practice, learning to have a longer attention span, learning to play alone, and it gives mom time to get things accomplished.

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