Saturday, December 9, 2017


Genevieve literally worked on her costume for the whole month of October.  She wanted to be Hestia the goddess of the hearth.  She found pieces of clothing from her closet and the dress up box.  Then she cut out a bunch of flames from different colored paper and glued them together.  She then pinned them all over the clothing.  She taped some to a black headband and some to a flashlight.  I was proud of her for her diligence and her creativity.

Bobby wanted to be Captain America from our dress up box.  Judah had asked for a Robin costume for his birthday.  Drew got the Luke Skywalker costume and Isaac the Jedi robe for gifts this year.

Hannah used Genna's Saint costume gown for her easy costume of Athena.

We met up on base with some homeschool friends to go trick or treating.

Bobby's friend hat loves to give kisses!

Bobby trick or treating!
It was a cold night, but not too cold for costumes as long as we layered underneath.  Bob and I were pulling up the rear big time.  He wanted to go home about halfway through, but he kept going.  Everyone had a friend and so all were happy!

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