Thursday, January 11, 2024

A New Year's Resolution

I have decided with some prodding from my husband to give blogging another try.  Since it has been a year since I last posted there is no sense in trying to catch up like I could if I was only a couple of months behind.  I had a few posts started, so I will go ahead and finish those up and then move right into the present.  I am still not actually sure how I will fit this into my schedule since Roman is still managing to keep me busy despite not having to drive across town two or three times a week or be in the hospital.  We are in major catch up mode with feeding therapy that isn't close by.  Not to mention that he is running now, trying to climb, frequently a danger to himself, and living the terrible twos despite the fact that he's the physical and mental equivalent of a one year old.  Why, oh, why couldn't he have been delayed in the terrible two's also?!  His cuteness more than makes up for it though!

He loves his siblings so much!

Over Christmas he had strep throat.  Poor guy!  He's determined to get all the diseases.  He has Covid and RSV again this past fall.

Daddy had to miss the Christmas Eve festivities with all my cousins, aunts, and uncles to stay home with this sick boy.  He started antibiotics that morning and was already starting to turn a corner.

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