Saturday, January 27, 2024

Datsun 280zx

We are now the proud owners of a "project car" that will hopefully at least get Isaac to and from work here in about 6 months (unless we can find anyone around here that hires a 15 1/2 year old.)  Brian talked me into buying this car made in 1983 because he wanted to teach Isaac to work on cars and this aged car will be easier to fix since it isn't computer based.  Also the parts aren't too expensive.  So, first on the docket is to fix the seat belts so it is safe to drive, and there a couple other issues to make it more reliable.  If this all pans out, he will be buying this car from us at some point.

Isaac has been a rock star driving the van around for us during the day since he got his permit in September.  He's not ventured on the highway yet, but he is probably ready now.  I am proud to say it is a rare occurrence that he makes me nervous which is so different than when the girls were learning.  They also didn't learn on the big 12 passenger van.  This means he gets a lot more practice since that is primarily what we drive.


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