Thursday, January 27, 2011

Finally, a real snow day!

We had a snow storm last night and got around 6 inches of snow. Mostly, it was your typical snow day. After reading, math, and handwriting, we ditched the rest of the school day to play in the snow with Daddy since he was home.

Some sledding in our backyard (videos to come)...

Genna was in heaven when not getting pelted in the face by Hannah with snowballs. Her favorite thing was eating the snow.

This guy got so rosy cheeked! He had fun except for when he fell down and couldn't get up or when Hannah pelted him with snowballs in the face. See a pattern here?

Hannah had much more fun this year in the snow than last year. I think the temperature has a lot to do with it. It was just above freezing and she didn't have to bundle up as much. Plus, the sledding hill was considerably less steep than in Germany. This was also perfect snowball snow, so she drove everyone nuts with the snowball throwing.

Daddy shoveled his heart out, shoveling two driveways.

The girls and I made this snow-woman. This is the first time they were actually helpful in the process. Hannah made the middle ball and Genna made the top one. The snow-woman was deemed a princess, named Annalise. Next time, I have declared the right to make the snowman an actual man. Even I get tired of all the princess stuff.

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