Sunday, January 16, 2011

N n n, what begins with those?

Nine new neckties, nightshirt, nose!

Well, we actually learned about newborn babies, nocturnal animals, and noses this week.

For newborn we read about how to take care of a newborn baby, what newborn babies are like, etc. No craft or additional exercises for this.

For nocturnal, we learned the definition and about several nocturnal animals. Owls and bats were the primary focus in our books. We also went over the definitions of predator and prey. We talked a lot about this throughout the week and it was the second time this year to focus on owls since Hannah had a field trip back in the fall where she learned about owls and dissected an owl pellet. I think this reinforcement was beneficial. We had no craft or further acivity for this topic either.

For noses, we learned about the sense of smell, briefly touching on the other four senses. We read several books teaching about this topic and then I picked up a fun book from the library as well called Sneezy Louise that related. Then we got our sleep masks out for blindfolds and I filled a sack with things they could smell and try to guess what it was. I had honey, onion flakes, soap, perfume, chocolate, and toothpaste. They got every one of them right and got a reward of a piece of chocolate each before lunch.


Becca said...

Does Isaac wear a sleep mask too? When did you start giving them one? Caleb does best with pitch black rooms and NO distractions so it just might work (if I could get him to keep it on; that might be difficult).

Anonymous said...

You work too hard