Thursday, January 6, 2011

Moon Mobiles

M week is mainly about moons, so here are the girls moon mobiles.

Hannah was able to do the whole thing on her own.

Genna had me draw the stars and moon and tie things on, but otherwise did the rest on her own.

I adapted this craft for Isaac so he could actually do a craft instead of having me draw, cut out, and tie up a mobile for him. The only real change I made was to have him stick the stars and moon on contact paper and then put the black paper on top at the end instead of just gluing them on. It turned out to be a good fine motor skill activity to pick up the foil stars without ripping them. I taped the finished product to the ceiling above his bed. I gave him a flashlight to look at the stars and moon in the dark. I hoped this would be a substitute for the thing he really wants which is this cool night light star projector that the girls got for their room for Christmas. He keeps trying to steal theirs right when I am tucking in the girls.

They also did color-by-number mosaics earlier in the week.

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