Saturday, January 15, 2011


I let the kids watch The Incredibles for the first time a week or two ago. The reason it was PG was because of the fighting, so I thought it would be ok. In the middle of it I realized that they really rarely watch any kind of fighting, so I asked if they were scared. Genna said a little, but she was ok. Isaac gets up and says, "Me! I am!" So, following my husband's instructions for this, I reply in my motherly brainwashing fashion, "No, you're not. You're not scared of anything, remember?" (Believe it or not this totally works! He buys it every time and his manly ego takes over and he insists he is not afraid of anything.) So, then he tells me he is not afraid and describes in the cutest, most boy-like fashion how cool the fighting is. I have been asking him to retell this story over and over because I just love to see his fists fly and his enthusiasm about "fighting the bad guys." It reminds me ever so slightly of my brother when he was a little one. He used to run around like a Ninja Turtle all the time. So I decided to ask Isaac about it on film so I can watch it forever and show his friends when he grows up to embarrass him. :) After all that's what mothers are for, right? So here it is!


Becca said...

so cute Kelle!

Kristen said...

Awesome...I will have to remember that one for sure! Also, what led us not to let our kiddos watch was that awful costume designer lady who consistently takes the Lord's name in if they noticed that you should make sure and talk to them about it! ;)

Kelle said...

Actually Kristen, we have already had to deal with that issue since several family members are careless about using the Lord's name in vain, despite our reminders.

I have to admit I don't have the patience/time to watch all the movies in advance all the way through, but I try to check online reviews. (Sometimes they don't mention things that are important to me though.) I saw this movie years ago and totally forgot that part. Do you have a good Catholic/Christian review site to recommend? I typically just say no PG movies across the board (but have made a few exceptions, and then no G movies with weird religious stuff, like that Princess and the Frog one, for example. I wish we could parentally edit movies we buy.