Thursday, January 13, 2011

In honor of the upcoming Martin Luther King day...

Last week being M week and next Monday being Martin Luther King day, we read a book about Martin Luther King Jr. Today during religion, we were discussing original sin verses actual sin. I explained actual sin is breaking one of God's commandments. Hannah says, "Like if you are married and you want someone else's wife!" Interesting commandment to remember, Hannah.

Then we discussed how there are two kinds of actual sin, mortal and venial. Mortal is a serious sin. Hannah chimed in here, "like killing somebody!" Then she continued, "Like the man that shot Burger King." At first I was confused and asked her what she was talking about, and she explained, "You know the man that helped the people with dark skin." Then it hit me that she was talking about Martin Luther King Jr, not Burger King. How funny!

Last night the girls were telling daddy at dinner what they learned about Martin Luther King. Brian asked them why we have a day to celebrate him. Hannah answered, "Because someone killed him." When we said this was not the actual reason for the day, Genna answered, "Because he helped the people with dark skin to have fun like the white people." I love her sweet innocent interpretations of things. The book that we read told about how colored people were not allowed to do the same things as white people, like ride at the front of the bus or use the same water fountains.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I love every part of this, especially Genna's innocence!