Monday, January 10, 2011

A whole new level

Hannah's taking it to the next level. We got home on Saturday night a little late after dinning out and we had left over cake at home. She wanted dessert so badly, but I wanted them to get to bed quickly, so she said she would get Isaac dressed and diaper changed and ready for bed if she could have dessert. That seemed like a good enough deal to me, so we gave it a shot. She did a great job, and even though it was her first diaper change ever she got the diaper on secure enough. I guess she had fun doing it too, because now she is offering to do it a lot. I even caught her attempting a dirty diaper change when I went up to check on them in his room. She was supposed to be helping him clean up after his room time and they had already finished that. He was in full position to be changed, but it was a messy one, so I took over and showed her how not to make a mess when changing a dirty diaper. After watching that, she decided to stick with wet ones! If only we could get this boy potty trained...

1 comment:

Becca said...

Have you started yet?

I am so nervous but am planning to try in a week or two. This is probably my most dreaded event of parenting :)

That's AWESOME that Hannah is so into helping!