Saturday, November 24, 2012

Oh Brother!

Brotherly bliss.  Sword fighting.  Train playing.  Soccer.  This was what I was hoping for when I found out Drewy was a boy.  I guess I forgot the phases the girls went through to get to where they are now.  They are as different as night and day, but they get along so well most of the time.  Isaac and Drew are also night and day, but they haven't yet worked out the kinks to be best buds.  Hopefully, they will get there one day, sooner rather than later.  Currently, the boys each get along better with the girls than with each other.  If Isaac would just stop forcing Drew to hug and kiss him they might just be able to have some fun together.

Right after I got this photo, Isaac leaned in for a hug and kiss and ruined all the sibling goodness.  Drew cannot tolerate hugs and kisses from Isaac at all.

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