Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Is manipulation an inherited trait?

While I was cooking dinner, the girls were coloring, and Hannah spilled the bag of crayons. I told her to pick them up, and she said that she didn't want to. I said that she had to, and then I focused on the dinner again, not really paying attention whether or not she listened. (Aren't all moms guilty of that sometimes?) So, anyways, I tuned back in a few minutes later when I heard Genna saying, "No" very adamantly to Hannah. Then Hannah said, "Genna, say 'Yes, Hannah.'" Genna then says, "Yes, Nannah" as she was told, completely unaware of what she was agreeing to. I had already forgotten about the crayons, and asked, "Hannah, what is she saying yes to?" Well, when I looked up and saw all the crayons still on the floor, I didn't even have to wait for an answer. I knew she was trying to get Genna to agree to pick them up for her. What a little sneak! Unfortunately, I was guilty of this all too often when I was the big sister to a little girl who was too young and eager to please to know any better. I have been reminded many times as an adult of all my sneaky, manipulative activities with my little sis. Like when I ate the top half of the cupcake because my mom said to eat half and give the rest to my sister. Or when I was tired of playing with her, so I offered to play school. I put her in time out and went to play alone in my room until my mom caught me. So, it comes around full circle! Hopefully, I can prevent the result my manipulations produced by teaching Hannah what will happen one day. My sister did grow up and know better eventually, and she got her pay back ten times over!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Finally- you learn what payback is -
The girls are growing up without me-how sad