Sunday, September 16, 2007

Our little saints in the making

Hannah told us this morning while I was fixing her hair before mass, "I want to be a saint!" We've been talking about the saints and their lives a little bit lately. So I am glad she's been inspired! Yesterday, I caught her playing with her My Little Pony castle. She had crammed a bunch of her little miniature characters into the castle, which apparently was now functioning as a church. She was saying the Angelus prayer with her figurines. It's moments like these that really make me think I am not doing too badly as a mom.

I don't want to leave Genna out! She is growing in the faith as well! When we pray she says, "Mamen" ("Amen" for those not versed in toddler lingo) and pats her chest for the sign of the cross. Hopefully, as her language develops some more, she will show us that she knows even more than we think!

We just found a group called "Moms and Little Catholics" that meets twice a month. The first meeting was great! We did a very interesting version of the rosary for the kids. We had the kids dress up like Mary and Elizabeth and act out the mystery of the visitation. Then we sung the rosary itself. It was just a miniature version of the rosary because the kids were so little, but it was fun for them. Even Genna participated as much as she could! Hannah dressed up like Mary and had a great time too! She was a little thrown off by the singing part since we just say the prayers at home, but I think she enjoyed the change.

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