Monday, June 16, 2008

Our 7th Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary to us! We've been married for 7 years now! We started dating about 10 1/2 years ago, our freshman year in college. I can't believe it's been that long! Brian and Hannah (our early bird as you can see) brought me breakfast in bed this morning from the local backeri. Then they got Genna (our late sleeper) up and we all ate breakfast in bed together. The girls had donuts with sprinkles on top. I am sure I'll be seeing those sprinkles in our bed tonight since I have no intention of changing the sheets today. Brian did take a picture of this, but since I was barely awake, I will not be posting those. :) While we ate in bed, we all (and I mean all, even the dog and cat were on the bed with us) watched our wedding video. The girls got bored pretty fast, so we fast-forwarded through some parts. I said something about how much I loved my wedding dress and Genna said, "I want to wear that dress some day." How sweet! I didn't even get out of bed until almost 11am which hasn't happened since I had food poisoning last September.

The first year we got married we obviously had very little money to spend, so we agreed to follow the traditional gifts for our anniversaries. Brian's mom gave us a bowl that has them all written on it. The one I'm looking forward to is the 45th...sapphire! I only have 38 years to go!

So here are our anniversaries and the respective gifts as far as my memory serves me. I didn't remember every gift, but I got most of them.

1st- paper...He gave me an 18 x 24 picture that he drew of me in my wedding gown (it hangs in our bedroom), and I gave him something that I made out of paper that I don't think I want to put on my blog. :)

2nd- cotton...We gave each other T-shirts.

3rd-leather...He got me tennis shoes, but I can't recall what I got him that year.

4rth-fruit...He got me my favorite dessert wine, Messina Hof Port, and I got him a caramel apple and a basket of chocolate covered fruit.

5th-wood...He got me an antique wooden box, and I got him a wooden Holy Water font.

6th-candy...He gave me Jelly beans, and I think I gave him fudge.

7th-copper or wool...This year he is getting me an elliptical workout machine (we are sure there are copper wires in there somewhere), and I gave him a copper wine bottle kit that goes in your garden. It's hard to explain, so here's the link...

Now we just have to get through the "Seven year itch" so we can make it to our 8th which is bronze or pottery which shouldn't be as much of a challenge as this year's was since they have that stuff everywhere in Europe.

With such a wonderful, faithful, successful husband and two beautiful girls and one handsome little boy on the way, I couldn't be any happier!


Rich said...

It sounds like the Smiths were in their typical creative mood. I wish I could think of good things to do for anniversaries like you guys. I'm just too analytical.

Our 8th anniversary is tomorrow. Being married is great.

Becca said...

Happy belated anniversary!
love, Becca