by Hannah and Genevieve
Winter is cold
like ice cream,
the potty,
and the arctic.
Winter is long
like a snake,
measuring tape,
and a road that never ends.
by Hannah and Genevieve
Winter is cold
like ice cream,
the potty,
and the arctic.
Winter is long
like a snake,
measuring tape,
and a road that never ends.
(For the easily grossed out, skip the next paragraph and then carry on reading!)
We also learned about poop and the potty (for Isaac). We read a couple of books with all kinds of interesting facts about different animals' poop, like how turkey vultures poop on their legs to cool themselves off. I know. So gross, but the kids liked it. We also read a book about digestion and you know the end result there. Isaac watched another potty DVD and read two new potty books from the library. On Sunday, before the P week began, he actually pooped in the potty for the first time ever. Monday, he stopped in the middle of the process, and finished in the potty. Yea! But, unfortunately, that was the end of the potty for the week. He decided not to use it anymore after only two days. I don't know what happened. I gave him chocolate, made a huge deal out of how proud we all were of him.
We also learned about plants. We talked about plants and their fertilization. We read several books about it and one experiment book where we picked out two experiments to do. Due to all the snow, they will have to wait until next week when I can get to the store for the supplies. We also talked about our garden that we really hope to plant this spring and what kinds of things we want to grow in it.
Also for P week, I gave them a lesson given me when I was a wee one by my grandfather, about perspective drawing. He taught me to draw a dog house and train tracks with telephone wires going into the horizon. So here are their pictures of their first attempts at perspective. I was very surprised how naturally this came for Genevieve. Hannah had a little trouble with drawing parallel lines and had to redo them a couple of times, but Genna got it right the first time. Her only problem was that her lines weren't the straightest things ever. I helped her straighten them out a bit.
( She did the train tracks on the other side of the page and had more trouble with those. We did it last, and I think things got a little rushed on that part since Daddy came home in the middle.)
Isaac also did this P project. He poked holes in paper following the big P I had written using the end of a pipe cleaner. I kept him busy for a while one morning.