Monday, March 7, 2011

Need a laugh?

Sunday night, the kids were eating some of the last of their Valentine candy hearts in preparation for Lent. They love these hearts with words on them since the girls can actually read them now. Only one problem, they don't understand some of them. Here's the conversation that ensued first:

Genna: What does Head over Heels mean?

Hannah: You know, Genna, like when you hurt your head and it over heals.

This cracked me up! Then came this conversation:

Genna: Isaac, will you say you are my boyfriend? (A family friend's child always pretends to have a boyfriend.)

Mom: Ummm, I don't think so. Hannah, can you explain it to her?

Hannah: Genna, we don't have boyfriends because they distract us from Jesus. (Word for word what her own father has told them before!)

Me: (Beaming with pride!) That's right, Hannah!

Here is something extra and unrelated to the previous stories. Here is Genna's card to my dad for his birthday...

It kills me, because she got a lot more of the spelling correct than I would have imagined (she missed the "k" on the end of "duck" and misspelled "Papa Boat" and she scribbled the words that were too hard to sound out), but it is 100% backwards! See if you can decipher the code. A mirror may be helpful. I love my backwards girl!

Happy birthday, Papa Boat! Hope you had a good laugh!

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