Friday, March 4, 2011

Que Seurat, Seurat!

We read about Georges Seurat this week for S week and learned about pointillism and optical mixing. Some of it went over their little heads, I think. Hannah was, in general, not a fan of his work. She didn't like how he used the wrong colors to make the right ones. She's such a realist and perfectionist!

The art project was to paint this Seurat coloring sheet that I got here using only primary color paint and pencil erasers to make the dots. To be honest, I did not want to include Isaac in this because he has problems with keeping his paint on his own paper (and as you can imagine, for the perfectionist, this is a major problem,) and I was hoping to make lunch while they worked. However, say the word paint in his presence, and it would be cruel not to let him participate in some way. He also had trouble remembering not to mix paint on his eraser. So he made it about five minutes before putting a dot on Hannah's page. Why is it always on Hannah's? Genna probably wouldn't even notice and certainly wouldn't care.

Here they are in their aprons painting away before I left to fix lunch...

Here's Isaac's when he had to stop and come with me since he put a dot on Hannah's paper. Amazingly, he is the only one who actually followed the "dot" instructions. So I say go for this if you have a toddler around 2 1/2 yrs before they develop a preference for style in their art.

Hannah's and Genna's respectively...

It is hard to tell, but there are very few actual dots and way more using the eraser to paint and fill in the space. It takes patience. Genna's was closer, but at some point she started copying Hannah and painting with the eraser too.

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