Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rock-a-bye Franklin holding his baby sister in the tree tops

Around 18 months Isaac started having a hard time with his naps for a month or two. He's a good napper now, but for a couple of months he was having trouble. During that time, he started refusing to hear the song I had always sung to him before bed/naps, Rock-a-bye Baby. It just set him off and so I started letting him choose the song. For a long time it was Twinkle, Twinkle or You are My Sunshine, but eventually he wanted a song about whatever we read about. Well, try as I might to explain that I didn't know a song about Bambi or The Whispering Rabbit or whatever, he refused to accept it. So I just started making up songs. Then it just somehow turned into me singing Rock-a-bye _____ (fill in the blank with whatever his favorite part of the book we just read was or what is on his mind that day.) The rest of the song goes the way it always does. I just have to say whatever he says word for word after the word Rock-a-bye in the first part of the song. One night it might be Rock-a-bye Great Stag of the forest, and the next night it might be Rock-a-bye Captain Hook and the crocodile that is trying to eat him. Sort of strange, I think, but it is worth remembering because he is adamant about it and has been for so long. Somehow Daddy gets out of this activity and still sings his special song to Isaac when he puts him to bed. Dad's have all the luck! Moms get to be the big goobers singing Rock-a-bye Padding fell into his tea just to get our baby to go to bed. The things we do for love...and sleep!


Becca said...

I wonder if this is a guy thing. Caleb did this too. Our song was Froggie went a Courtin' and he decided he wanted the words changed. He dictates what he wants froggie to do as we sing. Fortunately he doesn't push this song every night now, but it lasted a good 6 months at least!
I'm gonna have to ask if he does the same with dad too :)

Anonymous said...

It may be silly, but its cute! I'm glad y'all figured out something that works.