Saturday, March 5, 2011

Occupational Indecision

Isaac has taken to changing his career path frequently. It is super cute since the girls really didn't have an answer to the "What do you want to be when you grow up?" question for a while and even then it was Hannah saying what her dad had talked her into and Genna copying her sister. So this amuses me that my 2 1/2 year old boy has goals for his life. His current profession of choice is to be a hunter. (Incidentally, one of his favorite books is Bambi. I can't help but enjoy the irony there.) However, last week it was "to work with dots like Daddy" which translated means a Pathologist. The "dots" are on the slides Brian looks at under the microscope. The week before that he wanted to be a soldier. Before that it was a priest, and before that it was a doctor. It cracks me up to ask him what he wants to be and see what the answer is that day.

For the record, Hannah still wants to be a nail painter, and Genevieve wants to be a ballerina (if she can't be a princess, that is.)


Jeff said...

I thought the girls wanted to be nuns?

Kelle said...

They did, but then Hannah got hung up on this nail painter thing, and Genna abandoned ship too. :)