Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dare I say it?

I think Isaac is potty trained! Isaac has been wearing underwear for almost two weeks now, and he has kept them dry for 10 days in a row! He tells me when he has to go, I don't have to ask him. That means success!

He figured it out and it was a much easier road than I anticipated. He is even staying dry through his naps! I am super proud of him. Now Daddy has to get busy on making his train table to replace his crib in his room. That is his reward for potty training and being a big boy! He thinks he is getting Spencer (a Thomas train he wants) too, but I'll have to think about that one. I agreed to a train table and moving him to his big boy bed. The rest is still up for debate.

I gave Isaac a hair cut about a week ago. He's a cue ball!

This is the first time that I have not had a child in diapers in the 6 1/2 years since we began this journey of parenthood with Hannah. The break will be short-lived, I know, since Speck will be making his diaper debut in September. I'll enjoy the break no matter how tiny it is!

***By the way, I am so mad that all my posts that I wrote in the last few days and scheduled out just completely disappeared. That has never happened before, but I had some really long and detailed posts. (Insert a Junie B. Jones mad breath here.) I still can't believe they are totally gone!***

1 comment:

Rich said...

I never understood why a child succeeding at potty training was such a big deal....until we had kids.

Take Desitin off the grocery list!