Friday, May 6, 2011

"No complainments on my birthday!"

Happy birthday to my sweet Genevieve!

We slept in this morning since yesterday was our last official day of homeschooling. When I woke up, Hannah came into my room and whispered to me not to forget Genna's birthday. What a little mother! Like I would forget! Hannah gave her the royal treatment all morning complete with a glittery unicorn picture she made for her sister about a month ago (just like her mom, always planning ahead.) She also gave her a piece of her bubble gum since when someone turns five in our house, they gain the privilege of chewing gum. At breakfast, Isaac got upset with Hannah and Genevieve says, "No complainments on my birthday!" That's my girl, always the peacekeeper.

I got a pack of bubblegum for her too just like I did for Hannah on her 5th birthday. Isaac is already talking about how he gets to chew gum when he turns five.

I made her this easy Cinderella pillow doll along with some accessories. This is one of the only things that she asked for for her birthday. She saw the kit at Joann's, so I went back and got it and sewed it up this week. We have something else special that we are saving for when Daddy gets home.

We took it easy and enjoyed our girl today with some playtime outside, looking through her baby book, and opening of gifts. We had a picnic lunch on the porch and some ice pops for dessert. Before we went outside, she asked me, "Mom, can I go outside with all my stylishings on." She meant her jewelry and glasses. So cute!

It just wouldn't be a Genevieve photo shoot without her signature spin picture.

While we were outside, she got a package from her Nanna and here she is using her book about how to draw princesses that was in the package.

We are headed to Chuck E. Cheese for dinner since her party is going to be in a couple of weeks in Texas.

1 comment:

Rich said...

I hope our gift got there in time.

Happy Birthday Genna!!!