Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Father Daughter Dance Time Again

 My guilty pleasure of this whole ordeal is doing the girls' hair up fancy.  Of course, it is no pleasure of Hannah's, but if I can ignore her comments and her facial expressions then I still can squeeze some joy out of it.  Genna has only one request and that is that some of her hair be down.  That is an easy one to manage, but Hannah's one request would be that I don't do anything to it.  Even her dad agreed that she needed a fancy hairdo for this.

Genna got a heart bun in honor of Valentine's Day.

Her hair is getting really long!

I braided Hannah's starting from one side all the way around and finished it in a bun with a flower in the middle.

Can you tell she is scowling from this pic?  She got over it pretty quickly and had a great time.  I didn't spoil all her fun after all! 

Hannah donned the same dress as last year and Genna got to wear her favorite dress that her Mimi gave her.  It has thin straps so we added a shrug to cover those shoulders.

This picture reminds me of the other day when Genna told me that when she tells someone that she loves them it makes her all giddy.  What a cutie!  As long as it is just to her friends and family and not to boys!

Enter handsome stud.

Genna told daddy how handsome he looked, and Drew asked, "You have that?" with a head tilt.  I guess he doesn't remember seeing his daddy in his uniform.

I hope Genna forgives me for this, but I couldn't resist.  She has a good sense of humor so I am thinking it will be okay.  As they are about to leave she comes out of the bathroom and says she is ready to go.

We all had a good laugh since this is just soooooo Genna to get all fancy and make sure her necklace and earrings are matching, but then walk out with her dress tucked in her pantyhose.  Love it!
Brian and the girls met another family for dinner before the dance.  They must have had a good time because this was the only real photo he took of the dancing.  Maybe he was too busy dancing his heart out.  :)

I sent Nutella Pretzel Brownies that were gone before Hannah got one.  So I guess they were good.  I'll have to make those again sometime.  

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