Tuesday, January 30, 2018

School Days for the Little Ones

I love teaching the younger children the most!  They are like little sponges and usually it is still possible to make things fun and there's not so much resistance to learning as I encounter with the older ones.

Bobby loves his new Kinetic Sand, but even with the "sand box" it still makes a mess in the house.  I tried putting down a disposable table cloth under it, but the kids just end up dumping the table cloth out on the ground or sitting in the sand and it travels throughout the house with them.  It's definitely better than real sand though!  It's just always soaking wet outside right now and rarely can we go outside to play.
Bobby is a joy to teach.  It's all about reading books to him now.  He's learned to recognize nearly the whole alphabet just by reading alphabet books.  He can spell his name, "B-O-B-B-Y."  He also knows most of his numbers up to 10 by sight, but he gets 6 and 9 mixed up frequently.

He also loves our flashcards and goes through them on his own while I'm teaching the big kids.

Double handed coloring is his superpower.
Judah is a true joy to teach.  He is almost halfway through his 100 Easy Lessons to Read book and he is always trying to spell words for me or read words on tags and signs.  He has a real knack for it.  When I have a new sound to introduce, he likes to show off by always telling me the sound it makes before I tell him.  We play spelling games in the van sometimes and he is motivating Drew a bit, because when Drew falters or pauses too long, Judah usually will finish the word for him.  He's learning to add and write all of his own choice.  He LOVES workbooks, and so I have a stack of them he is systematically working through that are all for kindergartners.  He works on them all the time.

The girls and Judah all were selected to go to a classical charter school next year in our new duty station, but, honestly, I am super hesitant to send him.  This time when they are little and they love learning is so precious. and I'll never get it back.

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