Thursday, December 6, 2007

"The Crunch Game"

"The Crunch Game" is one of the many games I made up to get our picky eater, Hannah, to eat healthy fruits and vegetables. Now the game is being passed on to her sister, even though she needs little encouragement to eat anything at all (with the exception of chewy meat or noodles without tomato sauce on them). Anyway, the game goes like this: Someone gets a raw carrot in her hand and tells everyone else to close their eyes. Everyone closes their eyes and listens. The carrot is bitten and everyone opens their eyes when they hear the loud crunch. Now we try to see who can do the very loudest crunch too. It's not very ladylike, but that's OK they only get to be kids once. This game has made raw carrots a favorite for lunch. Sometimes we do it with other crunchy food items, but carrots are the most popular. Today at lunch Genna picked up a carrot and said, "Mommy, close eyes listen me." What a strange tradition to pass on to my kids!

Another game that hasn't been passed down yet that Hannah really loved was putting the peas or corn on her periodic table place mat, specifically on the Noble Gases. She learned all 6 of the Noble Gases by name by the time she was 2 years old by naming them as she ate them off of each element.

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