Thursday, March 27, 2008

A rough morning turns messy!

Hannah woke me up this morning at 6am crying about missing her daddy! She did not stop for almost 4 hours. I tried everything. I tried just letting her cry, looking at pictures of daddy, praying with her, getting Genna to try to cheer her up, and eating breakfast. The only thing that worked for a short period of time was watching a movie on the couch. He'll be home in 2 days! I wish she could understand that, but it is hard to do for a 3 year old. We have been counting down on our fingers every night since we got down to the 10 day mark, but I think that is just dragging it out more.

Eventually, I got out some fake tattoos out that Mimi had given them a while back. They don't know who Scooby Do is, but they didn't seem to care. They both wanted them on their tummies for some reason. Genna says Scooby Do so cute. She says, "Wuby do," and sometimes she repeats the wuby a couple times.

Then we did a craft project for daddy, and that cheered Hannah up even more. We painted and made a big mess, especially Genna!

I had planned on doing reading lessons and making a solar system mobile with Hannah today, but I decided she was in no condition to try to learn. I did start working with Genna on letter recognition today though.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Kelle! It's Lindsay from ESD! I found your blog in the ESD magazine. It's so great to see you're doing well and your daughters are beautiful. Congrats on baby number 3! I'm in Chicago now doing comedy. My blog is, I'll put a link your blog in mine. Take care and keep in touch!