Friday, January 9, 2009

What's up with the Smith kids

The girls were playing with wooden magnetic dress up dolls when they discovered that Uncle Kent's shoes made a great bed for their dolls.

Genna has the biggest eyes ever! She is pretty much potty trained too! Waiting until they're ready instead of try to start early is so much easier. I started too early with Hannah, but I waited until Genna actually wanted to wear panties. I talked it up and occasionally asked if she was ready. She said no until right before our trip to the states, so I decided we would try it here. She's only had a handful of accidents and she tells me when she has to go instead of me asking and reminding constantly. She's still in Pull Ups at night and nap times. I have a gift I am going to give her for becoming a big girl, but I am going to wait another week to make sure we are still on track. Then when we get home, I promised that I would take the rail off her crib to make it a Big Girl Bed.

Hannah is working on reading again with the How to Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons book. We took a break from it because she was getting too hard to keep on task and just wasn't motivated. We started back up a week ago and she is so much more motivated this time, but we are having trouble with one aspect. She is pausing in between the sounds when sounding out a word so that she sometimes can't say the whole word when she's through sounding it out. We have gone over and over it, but the only time she can do it right is when I do it first and she is just copying me. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know. She is starting to get frustrated I think, and I don't want that to happen.

Here's my happy (almost healthy) baby boy! He's super active these days. He loves to bounce in the Johnny Jump up or while some one's holding him up to stand. I can barely bathe the boy because he's constantly rolling over to his tummy and getting his face in the water. Then when I put him on the floor to get him dressed he is reaching over and opening cabinets. He's going to be a whole different ball game than the girls.

Isaac has a certain fondness for Hannah. It's probably just because she takes more time to play with him and make him laugh than Genna.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

reading: take same approach as potty training. wait till she's ready. the book i sent you has some great info on reading. starting too early can be more damaging that beneficial.

what kids of things are you bring to church for the kids? i need fresh ideas. payton is pretty much sitting though mass and asking loads of questions. we have a great priest who caters to kids! but still have jojo who is need more attention. help!