Saturday, May 15, 2010

4 Years and 4 Shots!

But Genna was brave! Yesterday at the doctor, she got up on that table knowing full well that it was going to hurt and I was proud. She cried maybe 10 seconds, and the instant the word "sticker" was uttered, the tears suddenly stopped. She also got a scoop of ice cream after Mass to make her boo boos feel better.

She is around the 60th percentile in both height and weight.
40 1/2 inches and 36lbs

She has flat feet (which we already knew- gets it from her Daddy) and some fluid in her ears which we didn't know about. The fluid may be the cause of all the "What did you say, Mom?" and "I didn't hear you," and "Can you turn it up? I can't hear it." I was just chalking it up to her living in Wonderland instead of on Earth with the rest of us. So we have to go back to the doctor again before our move to see if the fluid resolves itself. What is up with my kids and ear troubles this year?

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