Saturday, May 1, 2010

It just made me smile. That's all.

Tonight I was folding six loads of laundry while watching Julie and Julia when I came across Hannah's pillowcase that she colored. It was one of those pillowcases that has a drawing and special crayons to color it. So it was perfectly fine that it was colored and all. That's not what made me smile. It's the notation she made beside the colored-in Cinderella. She has a tiny stray mark crossed out in a hugely dramatic way. Then, next to it, she wrote in the typical kindergartner large letters, "Genna mest up my paige." Insert smile here. I remember being amused at this when I saw what she did at the time, but it stills cracks me up that she would take an almost completely unnoticeable mark that her sister made on her pillowcase and turn it into this huge attention drawer. She is just so Hannah, it kills me! And I love every bit of her! Thank you God for my children!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is my granddaughter, the perfectionist!!!!!