Saturday, May 29, 2010

Winners and Losers

Genna is a hoot when playing Memory! She is really good at it, which often surprises me since she doesn't always focus on things easily. So when we were playing the other day, I won the first game, but Genna came in at a close second. Yes, that leaves Hannah, the most competitive one, as the loser. She is actually good at this game too, having an excellent memory, but she wasn't focused at all. So she starts to cry, and I explain that it is still fun to play even if you don't win. (Of course, being like Hannah in this area, I don't actually fully believe this, but don't tell them because I think I make a good sell on this one.) Hannah pulls it together rather quickly and we start one last game. Genna leans over to her in the middle of the game, kisses her, and whispers, "I hope you win this time." What a sweetie. All heart, I tell you! I mean Genna didn't win the first game, and here she is wishing away her last shot at winning for the day. Then when it was Hannah's turn, Genna would quickly tell her where a match was if Hannah didn't already know.

This so reminds me of my mother. She is always trying to give the losing team extra points so no one is too far ahead when we play Canasta.

In the end, I won that hand too. Now you are going to think I am a heartless mother who actually tries to win (especially after I admitted to being competitive,) but really I was trying to loose the last game. But Genna was trying to lose too, and Hannah's head wasn't in the game. It isn't easy to loose Memory when there have been so many rounds that you know what every single card is. At some point, you've got to end it.

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