Monday, May 24, 2010

Me v. a tiny army

of ANTS! We have never had ants here, but suddenly they have taken over the downstairs and are trying to annoy us into leaving early so they can rule the house alone. And I have to say, it's working! I can't wait to move into the hotel now! I spend hours a day spraying, cleaning, vacuuming every crevice and searching for their secret portal into our home. Last night, I was actually talking to them on the kitchen floor as I hunted them down one by one. I looked for ant bait traps and apparently they don't have those over here. Germans probably think that ants have rights like children do. (You may have to read or reread one of my first posts in Germany to understand that.)

Tonight I found a huge ant hill underneath the biodegradable trash can. (Mini explanation: Germans are a little obsessed with separating waste. We have three trash cans for different types of trash, a special sack for another kind of trash, and don't forget the color separated glass waste bins down the street that we have to dump ourselves. Crazy!) Anyway, I was out of the spray since I have been spending so many hours spraying my houseguests so what did I do when I found this hill? I googled "home remedies for ants in the house" of course and headed straight out there with buckets of boiling water and a little Comet for good measure. Don't tell my German neighbors about the Comet. That's probably illegal here since it isn't good for the environment. I don't want to get fined! Plus I lined the wall closest to the trash can with a wall of table salt because the website said that ants will not cross salt. We will see, I guess!


Becca said...

When we were little we used to light anthills up with firecrackers. It worked really well! Of course, I wouldn't stand too close when they go off.

Anonymous said...

Yikes! We've faced this in several homes, and I've always had good luck with vinegar and/or cinnamon as home remedies. The vinegar kills them and keeps them from going to that spot (as long as it lingers, anyway), and they won't cross the cinnamon line. That smells better! :) Good luck! May the humans win this one!