Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sibling Sunday Talk: 5 years, 4 years, and 21 months

This seems to be a good stage for us. They are starting to play all together more and more, but we still have days or games where one person gets left out. At least it rotates which person that is, and it is not the same person being left out all the time.

Some of their favorite games to play all together right now are "House," hide and seek, and building blocks. When playing "House," neither Hannah nor Genna wants to be the mom. They both always want to be the baby. I don't know when or why this switch took place because being the mom used to be the coveted position since the mom is the boss. But anyway, Isaac is either the baby brother or the dad. When he is the dad, he sometimes gets directed in what he is supposed to do, but just the other day I caught him taking some initiative and telling his baby daughters, "Time go bed now" in a sing song voice. When he is the baby, he fools me every time because I really think he is crying when it turns out he is just acting the part. I always get a kick out of the budding imaginative play of a toddler.

I am just so thankful that they have each other especially during a time when we have to leave friends behind and venture into a whole new world for them. I particularly love the age difference between the girls , 17 months. They are just so close. I pray they always are. Don't laugh! I've heard it does happen in some families!

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